Winner will be featured on the cover of Taste of Home magazine, cook with Carla Hall, and take home $25,000!


Tara Reynolds

Cooking for others is my happy place. Watching my dishes being savored is my true joy. I cook with my whole heart! I am your favorite Chef!


Currently 10

in the Quarter-Finals


You decide who will be the next Favorite Chef

Voting for Semi-Finalists ends Thursday the 11th of July at 7PM PDT

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Who or what inspires you to cook?

Inspiration comes from within. I love cooking for people. Anyone! Family, people I love, people with whom I work, people who are friends. Whenever I cook for anyone, I cook with my whole heart. I'm told that's what makes my dishes taste so special and delicious.

What's your all time favorite dish to make?

My favorite dish to make happens to be my biggest fail. I was preparing Beef Wellington for Christmas. I followed the recipe carefully. It was beautiful -- the perfectly formed scored dough and egg wash. Into the oven at 200 degrees. As my mom & I watched through the glass oven door, nothing happened. After 45 minutes and out of frustration, we checked the recipe. 200° Celsius! I had my oven at 200° Fahrenheit. Thank you, Metric System...Oh, well. (Or should I say oh, rare?)

What would you do with the $25,000?

$25,000!!! It would be a dream to take a cooking class in Italy or in France. Or, I could go on a food tour and eat my way through a foriegn culture. It would be spent in a delicious and adventurous way!

James Beard Foundation

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