Winner will be featured on the cover of Taste of Home magazine, cook with Carla Hall, and take home $25,000!


Suzan Falkner

My food is so good it will make you slap yourself! I want to purchase a pie mobile and represent a legacy of awesome chefs!


Currently 5

in the Quarter-Finals



You decide who will be the next Favorite Chef

Voting for Semi-Finalists ends Thursday the 11th of July at 7PM PDT

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Who or what inspires you to cook?

I have been inspired since working in my grandparents Barbeque restaurant since the age of 14. My mom, dad, grandparents, and aunts were awesome chefs with their own specialties. I took cooking classes in college, I am a graduate of Hamburger University, and my family and all those who eat my food push me to cook more and more. When I am called on to add to your dinner and you come back again it lets me know the love I put in the food blessed your palate and soul, so the glory goes to God!

What's your all time favorite dish to make?

My signature pie: Sweet Potato Pie Moms Secret: Poor man’s Peach Cobbler Thanksgiving favorite: Dressing Meat: Chicken wings/Pork Steak Grill: Spareribs and hotdogs Fish: Tilapia (baked or fried) Veggie: Candied Yams Sauces: Barbecue sauce (hot, mild, or sweet and sour)

What would you do with the $25,000?

Pay my tithes first! Next, I would send off Bigmomma’s Barbecue sauce to get a nutritional label for competition in HEB’s taste of Texas. I would purchase my pie mobile for mobile vending as an investment for future!

James Beard Foundation

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