Winner will be featured on the cover of Taste of Home magazine, cook with Carla Hall, and take home $25,000!


Steve Schlotzhauer

Since I was 15, I never wanted to do anything but cook food and strive to be a good chef. I’ve committed my whole life to food and cooking


Currently 4

in the Quarter-Finals



You decide who will be the next Favorite Chef

Voting for Semi-Finalists ends Thursday the 11th of July at 7PM PDT

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Who or what inspires you to cook?

The kitchen was the first place I felt like I belonged. From the very day I was fascinated with the entire process of cooking, watch simple ingredients come together to make great taste and flavors and textures. Cooking gave me a direction and purpose when I had none. Cooking and being a chef probably saved my life many times. When nothing else made sense…food always made sense to me. I take a simplistic approach in cooking and feel that great food always speak for itself.

What's your all time favorite dish to make?

beef bourguignon Is my favorite dish to eat and cook. Traditional French beef stew slow braised with vegetables, burgundy wine and fresh herbs. Classic, delicious dish

What would you do with the $25,000?

I would use the money to visit Southeast Asia and learn about the iconic street food I’ve read about for years. I would also use the money help kickstart a private chef/catering business. Would love to do pop up dinner parties in my city and showcase what I can do on a bigger scale.

James Beard Foundation

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