Winner will be featured on the cover of Taste of Home magazine, cook with Carla Hall, and take home $25,000!


Jessica Anderson

Hosting with love has always been the root of my hospitality. Cooking is my avenue to creating an atmosphere for connection.


Currently 9

in the Quarter-Finals


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Voting for Semi-Finalists ends Thursday the 11th of July at 7PM PDT

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Who or what inspires you to cook?

Family! I love cooking for my friends and family. Ever since I was young I remember cooking with my grandmother and grandfather! They would let me add all the seasonings I wanted haha! I wouldn’t trade those moments for the world! Once the meals were on the table I could always expect a room full of laughter and love. From then on my understanding of what it means to dine with your loved ones has always been my passion!

What's your all time favorite dish to make?

I absolutely love tacos! There are so many ways to make a taco and so many authentic flavors to add! A gourmet taco or a quick taco to go, I will always be ready to make a good ol’ taco!

What would you do with the $25,000?

I would further my cooking journey! I am so glad to finally share my love for cooking with the world and I love to teach others about the importance of gathering around the table. I would complete my cookbook and hopefully begin opening up my very first restaurant!

James Beard Foundation

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