Winner will be featured on the cover of Taste of Home magazine, cook with Carla Hall, and take home $25,000!


James Harrington

My Grammy ,before she passed, told me I would be a famous chef one day. Any chance I get that may help achieve my goal, I will not waste it.


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Who or what inspires you to cook?

I love the spontaneity of the restaurant life. Everyday is a new challenge and I tend to feed off adversity. As to whom, I was raised by strong women such as my Grammy and mother who worked as well as made dinner everyday to provide for their family. I love that I am able to give them a chance to take a break and enjoy a home cooked meal whenever I could.

What's your all time favorite dish to make?

My Mother’s favorite food is scallops so I always give everything I got into my seared scallops plates. If I was to pick a favorite dish to cook, I would say my cioppino is the best I have came across or tasted. It all starts with the time and care I put into making my seafood stock, because when it comes to dishes like cioppino, you need a good base.

What would you do with the $25,000?

I’ve always wanted to start my own restaurant. $25000 world go along way to reaching my goal. Though, I would be lying if I didn’t say that my wife and I might be more interested in putting the winnings towards a house for us and our children first. Anyway you split it the money would be a great help for a one income family worth two children like ours.

James Beard Foundation

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